Photograph of two green and blue tooth brushes. One is worn out and the other is new and in good condition.

Whether you use an electric or manual toothbrush, you will need to replace it periodically. Old tooth brush heads have worn out bristles that can’t adequately clean your teeth as well as a newer toothbrush and replacing your toothbrush often helps to reduce the number of germs on your toothbrush. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind when it comes to replacing your toothbrush so you’ll experience more positive feedback at regular dental cleanings.

Recent Illness

If you’ve experienced a recent illness, it is probably a good idea to replace toothbrush. The germs left behind on toothbrush bristles from a bacterial infection could lead to reinfection. It’s difficult to know how contaminated the bristles are. Even if you experienced a viral infection, it’s best to get rid of the old toothbrush in favor of a new one. There are also some over the counter toothbrush cleaners that you can try to clean and sanitize the toothbrush. Depending on how expensive the toothbrush is, it is likely more cost effective just to replace the toothbrush.

Every 3 Months

American Dental Association recommends that you replace your toothbrush every three months. This is a good guideline to start with. This means that you’ll only need to replace the toothbrush four times a year. However, this is just a guideline. Your specific needs may vary and you may need to replace your toothbrush head sooner.

Frayed Bristles

If your toothbrush has frayed bristles, it is time to replace the toothbrush, no matter the age of the toothbrush. Frayed bristles aren’t able to adequately remove dental plaque from your teeth. It takes quite a bit of use for a toothbrush to have frayed bristles. This means that it is time for the toothbrush to be replaced.

After Falling in the Sink

Things can easily happen to a toothbrush that can compromise the cleanliness of your toothbrush. If someone else used your toothbrush or if it fell into the sink, toilet, or floor, it’s time to replace it. Even with a specialized toothbrush cleaner, it can be impossible to know if all of the germs were really removed from the toothbrush.

Signs of Wear

If your toothbrush shows and signs of wear, it is time to get a new one. This can include bent handles, faded colors, or other obvious signs that the toothbrush has been around for a while. You can buy a brand name toothbrush for around $2. If your toothbrush looks worn, you have definitely gotten your money out of it.
Replacing your toothbrush is a normal part of your oral hygiene routine. If you ever feel that your toothbrush should be replaced, it is a good idea to do so. Since toothbrushes don’t cost very much compared to how much they benefit your oral health, go ahead and replace it even more frequently than recommended if you feel that it needs to be replaced.

Want to Learn More?

If you want to learn more about how we can keep your entire family’s smiles in tip-top shape, whether you need regular dental checkups or a root canal, contact Savannah Dental Solutions today at (912) 354-1366 for more information or to schedule an appointment.