Sleep Apnea Treatment

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a medical condition that affects 18 to 30 million adults in the United States. This chronic, lifelong condition is detrimental to your sleep, general health and quality of life. Hypertension, diabetes, stroke, heart disease and work related accidents are all linked to sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea at Savannah Dental Solutions

Sleep Apnea Mouth Guards

The good news is there are treatment options that are an alternative to the bulky and uncomfortable CPAP machines. With successful treatment you can look forward to restful nights, brighter days, and a better relationship with loved ones who’ve been losing sleep while you snore!

From the first night I wore it, it has been tremendous! No snoring, no stopping of breathing, and now after a few weeks, I am beginning to realize that my sleep is much more restful than I had ever known before. (Unexpected bonus: I feel much more rested in the mornings.)

Jeffrey Mazik, SomnoDent Patient
A before and after image of a sleep apnea appliance.

There are options for an Overnight Sleep Study Polysomnogram (PSG). This test is conducted at a sleep laboratory or hospital location. You’ll spend the night and be monitored by staff for a comprehensive diagnosis of your particular condition. We can review this report and make recommendations for a treatment plan and determine whether a oral appliance for sleep apnea (dental appliance for sleep apnea) is appropriate.

A home sleep test (HST) is a sleep apnea test that you perform in your own home rather than in a sleep lab. You will receive a small, portable device that attaches to your body in various ways. For example, you might tape a wire near your nose and mouth to measure your airflow, clip a pulse oximeter to your finger to measure your blood oxygen saturation, and place elastic bands around your torso to measure your respiratory effort.

You will wear the device for one to three nights, depending on your doctor’s instructions. Then you will simply return the device, and the recorded information will be downloaded and interpreted. You will typically be scheduled for a follow-up appointment to learn your results and develop a treatment plan, if needed.

You can take this test at home using a devices provided by one of our professional partner network. You’ll be given instructions and work with their office for an evaluation of the report.

After taking the appropriate test, you’ll be evaluated on the severity of your condition. You’ll provide your test results to Dr. Chad Schnabel and treatment options will be discussed.

An anti-snoring mouthpiece is a small, custom-fitted dental device that gently moves the lower jaw forward. This relaxes the soft tissues of the throat and prevents the tongue from collapsing into the airway. It stops snoring, and can also treat mild to moderate sleep apnea. An anti-snoring mouthpiece can even be fitted to existing dental work, including full dentures. It is easily adjustable, and does not interfere with drinking, talking, or taking oral medications. However, it should be removed for eating.

Almost 200,000 patients around the world have enjoyed snoring relief using one of the Panthera® products. Here are some encouraging statistics for anyone who is concerned about the CPAP machine or is beginning their search for treatment of sleep apnea:

  • 88% of patients reported regular use of the product
  • The mouth piece is small and silent
  • 91% of patients reported improvement in sleep quality with Panthera®
  • 3-year warranty

Will all of the changes in medical benefits over the past few years, we get many questions about sleep apnea reimbursement. The claims we process are 100% HIPPA compliant and our approval rate is very high.

Let us review your specific insurance coverage before your appointment.

Schedule the First Step Toward Your Healthiest Smile

We are excited to meet you and discuss your dental needs.  Call our office today at (912) 354-1366 or use the contact form here and we’ll get in touch with you to schedule an appointment.