Keeping your teeth clean is the best defense against tooth decay and gum disease. Regular dentist visits help to ensure that any emerging issues are caught early, before they have the chance to spread or worsen. Yet many people don’t know what schedule to follow. Here’s how often to brush, floss, and see the dentist.

brush floss


If possible, brush your teeth after every meal. If this is not practical, make sure you brush at least twice per day. Choose a soft-bristled brush that is comfortable for your mouth and hand, and spend a full 30 seconds on each quadrant of your mouth. People’s ability to gauge time is notoriously inaccurate, so consider setting an alarm or using an electric toothbrush with a timer.

Rinse your mouth following each meal and snack. Plain water is best, but unsweetened coffee or tea will do. You can also suck on hard candy or chew unsweetened gum to stimulate saliva production and clear out food debris.


Floss your teeth once a day, whether with dental floss, a Waterpik, or an interdental cleaner. Work the floss gently between each pair of teeth and along the gum line. Be careful not to make sudden, sharp movements that could cause cuts. Your dentist will be happy to give a demonstration if you are unsure exactly how to floss.

Seeing the Dentist

Most healthy people will need to see the dentist twice per year. Your teeth will be professionally cleaned, removing tartar and plaque that are difficult to fully brush away, and your dentist will evaluate your oral health.

However, you may need to see the dentist more frequently. If you are at high risk for dental disease, your dentist may request that you come in more often. If you are undergoing any dental treatment, from braces to dental reconstruction, you will be scheduled for more frequent appointments until your treatment is complete. Always follow your dentist’s instructions.

Keeping your mouth clean and healthy is an ongoing process that requires an active commitment. Ask your dentist about anything that you find unclear, and always follow his or her recommendations. For most people, though, flossing once per day, brushing twice per day, and seeing the dentist twice per year will help to ensure a lifetime of oral health.

Married dentists Chad and Alexandra Schnabel welcome you to Savannah Dental Solutions. From caring children’s dentistry to high-tech cosmetic procedures and even full-mouth reconstruction, we blend the latest technology with traditional customer-oriented values. To start your journey to better oral health, call us today at (912) 354-1366.