Although the Earth is covered in water, only about one percent is clean enough for human consumption. That means that even a small reduction in the amount of water you use can be a significant contribution to global water conservation. It can also significantly decrease your water bill over time. Yet many people don’t know how to reduce their water usage during daily oral hygiene and brushing teeth. Here are some easy ways to conserve.

conserve water

Turn Off the Faucet

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) states that leaving the water running while brushing your teeth wastes an average of four gallons. In a four-person household, where each person brushes twice each day, that’s 32 gallons of water just running down the drain every day, or more than 11,000 gallons per year! Since you don’t use any water between dampening your toothbrush and rinsing your mouth, what’s the point?

Use a Cup

Although rinsing with water from your hands is convenient, you lose a lot of water down the drain. Instead, turn on the tap, capture a little water in the cup, and turn the tap off. If you would like to conserve trees as well as water, choose a reusable cup instead of a stack of paper cups.

Recycle Water

Many people like to run the water for a few moments before brushing, to ensure that it is the right temperature. There’s nothing wrong with the initial water, it’s just not ideal for tooth brushing. So why not recycle it by letting it run into a bowl instead of down the drain. Use it for your pet’s water dish, your plants, or even later drinking?

Fix Leaks

You are a captive audience for the two minutes you spend brushing your teeth, so why not multi-task by checking for leaks. Make sure no water is escaping around the faucet or pipe connections. Even a tiny leak could waste hundreds of gallons in a year, so if you notice any small drips, have them repaired as soon as you can.

Change the Hardware

New water-conserving faucet heads use about 50% of the water per minute that older faucets use. Yet you will scarcely notice the difference. Making the switch is a win-win, as it will lower your water bill while helping with global water conservation.

Teach Your Kids to Conserve

It’s never too early to teach your kids to be responsible citizens of the Earth. Let them see you using good conservation habits, and watch over them as they learn to brush their teeth. With a bit of consistency, your kids will start to save water without thinking twice about it.

With only about one percent of the Earth’s water available for drinking, we should all do our part to help conserve it. Following these simple tips when brushing your teeth can save thousands of gallons of water throughout the year, helping the planet and lowering your water bill.

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